Thank you all for coming to Matt and Karen’s special day. I’m Matt’s father, Gary, and I’d like to say a few words about the new Mr. and Mrs. Feld.
When I look at Matt and Karen, I can see myself and my Karen. Like me, Matt is impulsive and ambitious. He has a tough front that hides a big heart. And like my Karen, Matt’s Karen is smart, gentle and down to earth. Together, they share a love of family, a belief in loyalty, and a rock-solid commitment to their friends and relations.
Matt is our youngest, and like me he’s impulsive. He’s so impulsive, in fact, that he’s the first of my sons to get maybe his brothers should take a hint.
Matt has always been independent. As the youngest, he had to fight for air time in our home, which wasn’t exactly the quietest one on the street. But Matt held his own and got what he wanted. Sometimes he even tried to put one over on his old man.
One time Matt misbehaved, and I stopped his allowance. Instead of learning his lesson, he turned right around and sold my company’s Lakers tickets for hundreds of dollars. Then he showed the cash to me when I got back home.
And what did I do, Matt? [allow Matt to answer or say “I took it, and I thanked you for making me a profit”] But that’s how we knew Matt had a head for finance.
Matt and Karen met more than five years ago, while they were both working at DreamWorks. They have been together ever since. When Matt crossed the country to work on Wall Street, Karen went with him. When he came back to LA and joined me and his brother at Pacific Ventures, she was by his side. Like Matt, Karen is the baby in her family; like Matt, her parents raised her to know what was important, and what was not. She has helped Matt come into his own, to discover his true goals, and to become the man that he is today.
And now the trial run is over. It’s time for Matt and Karen to begin the next phase of their lives together.
Matt, you’ve chosen a girl with wonderful values. She is sensitive, passionate, and beautiful. She will always give your family the love that it needs.
Karen, in Matt you have chosen a man who shares your loyalty, your love, your ideals, and your commitment to family. There is no doubt that he will be a great husband and a great father.
Now the advice. You’re going to get a lot of it from the next few speakers. But as a 34-year veteran of marriage, the best advice I can give you is this:
Celebrate the good times, but remember to support each other in the bad ones – because it is the bad ones that will draw you together.
Everyone, please raise your glasses. Matt, Karen...Matt’s grandparents have passed on, but I know that they are here tonight in spirit, and that they will watch over you in your new life. With them, let me wish this for you:
May you be true partners in life.
May you always be there for one another in all seasons.
May the sense of family and commitment in which you were both raised follow you into your own marriage.
May your days together be filled with joy.
Mazel Tov!
[approx. 2:45 minutes]
When I look at Matt and Karen, I can see myself and my Karen. Like me, Matt is impulsive and ambitious. He has a tough front that hides a big heart. And like my Karen, Matt’s Karen is smart, gentle and down to earth. Together, they share a love of family, a belief in loyalty, and a rock-solid commitment to their friends and relations.
Matt is our youngest, and like me he’s impulsive. He’s so impulsive, in fact, that he’s the first of my sons to get maybe his brothers should take a hint.
Matt has always been independent. As the youngest, he had to fight for air time in our home, which wasn’t exactly the quietest one on the street. But Matt held his own and got what he wanted. Sometimes he even tried to put one over on his old man.
One time Matt misbehaved, and I stopped his allowance. Instead of learning his lesson, he turned right around and sold my company’s Lakers tickets for hundreds of dollars. Then he showed the cash to me when I got back home.
And what did I do, Matt? [allow Matt to answer or say “I took it, and I thanked you for making me a profit”] But that’s how we knew Matt had a head for finance.
Matt and Karen met more than five years ago, while they were both working at DreamWorks. They have been together ever since. When Matt crossed the country to work on Wall Street, Karen went with him. When he came back to LA and joined me and his brother at Pacific Ventures, she was by his side. Like Matt, Karen is the baby in her family; like Matt, her parents raised her to know what was important, and what was not. She has helped Matt come into his own, to discover his true goals, and to become the man that he is today.
And now the trial run is over. It’s time for Matt and Karen to begin the next phase of their lives together.
Matt, you’ve chosen a girl with wonderful values. She is sensitive, passionate, and beautiful. She will always give your family the love that it needs.
Karen, in Matt you have chosen a man who shares your loyalty, your love, your ideals, and your commitment to family. There is no doubt that he will be a great husband and a great father.
Now the advice. You’re going to get a lot of it from the next few speakers. But as a 34-year veteran of marriage, the best advice I can give you is this:
Celebrate the good times, but remember to support each other in the bad ones – because it is the bad ones that will draw you together.
Everyone, please raise your glasses. Matt, Karen...Matt’s grandparents have passed on, but I know that they are here tonight in spirit, and that they will watch over you in your new life. With them, let me wish this for you:
May you be true partners in life.
May you always be there for one another in all seasons.
May the sense of family and commitment in which you were both raised follow you into your own marriage.
May your days together be filled with joy.
Mazel Tov!
[approx. 2:45 minutes]